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/* Ajax batch delete thingy, version [0.1.1b] Originally from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Splarka/ajaxbatchdelete.js Notes: * It is a bit verbose, after debugging perhaps some output should be removed. * It waits 1 second after every delete before starting the next. * Can be aborted by simply deleting the contents of the textarea, or leaving the page. * Stops when it hits a blank line. * Nonfatal errors (skip to next line): ** Bad character or malformed line ** Bad token ** Unexpected response * Pauses in execution can be added with a blank line. To do: * Cache the token if two the same? ** Please note the delete token is not guaranteed to be static, but currently it always is. */ addOnloadHook(function() { addPortletLink('p-tb','/wiki/Special:BlankPage?blankspecial=ajaxbd','Batch Delete'); }); if(wgCanonicalSpecialPageName && wgCanonicalSpecialPageName.toLowerCase() == 'blankpage' && queryString('blankspecial') == 'ajaxbd') { document.title = 'Ajax Batch Deletion'; addOnloadHook(abdForm); } function abdForm() { addPortletLink('p-tb','/wiki/Special:Log/delete?user=' + encodeURIComponent(wgUserName),'My delete log'); //subvert this Special: page to our own needs. var con = document.getElementById('content') || document.getElementById('mw_content'); var bcon = document.getElementById('bodyContent') || document.getElementById('mw_contentholder'); var fh = con.getElementsByClassName('firstHeading')[0]; while(fh.firstChild) fh.removeChild(fh.firstChild) fh.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Ajax Batch Deletion')); for(var i=0;i<bcon.childNodes.length;i++) { bcur = bcon.childNodes[i]; if(bcur.id != 'siteSub' && bcur.id != 'contentSub' && bcur.className != 'visualClear') { while(bcur.firstChild) bcur.removeChild(bcur.firstChild) if(bcur.nodeType == 3) bcur.nodeValue = ''; } } //generate content var form = document.createElement('form'); form.appendChild(document.createTextNode('List of pages to delete:')); form.appendChild(document.createElement('p')); form.setAttribute('action','javascript:void(0);'); var txt = document.createElement('textarea'); txt.style.height = '20em'; txt.style.width = '50%'; txt.setAttribute('id','abd-textarea'); form.appendChild(txt); form.appendChild(document.createElement('p')); var lab1 = document.createElement('label'); lab1.setAttribute('for','abd-reason') lab1.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Deletion reason: ')); form.appendChild(lab1); var inp1 = document.createElement('input'); inp1.style.width = '20em'; inp1.setAttribute('type','text'); inp1.setAttribute('id','abd-reason'); form.appendChild(inp1); form.appendChild(document.createElement('p')); var sub1 = document.createElement('input'); sub1.setAttribute('type','button'); sub1.setAttribute('id','abd-startbutton'); sub1.setAttribute('value','start'); sub1.setAttribute('onclick','abdStart()'); form.appendChild(sub1); bcon.appendChild(form); var pre = document.createElement('pre'); pre.setAttribute('id','abd-output'); bcon.appendChild(pre); } function abdStart() { document.getElementById('abd-startbutton').setAttribute('disabled','disabled'); var out = document.getElementById('abd-output'); var txt = document.getElementById('abd-textarea'); var deletes = txt.value.split('\n'); var page = deletes[0]; if(page == '') { out.appendChild(document.createTextNode('* Done! Nothing left to do, or next line is blank.\n')); document.getElementById('abd-startbutton').removeAttribute('disabled'); } else { var badchars = /(\#|\<|\>|\[|\]|\{|\}|\|)/; if(badchars.test(page)) { out.appendChild(document.createTextNode('! Illegal characters detected, skipping:' + page + '\n')); setTimeout('abdStart()',1000); } else { out.appendChild(document.createTextNode('> Attempting to delete [[' + page + ']]\n')); abdGetToken(page); } } deletes = deletes.slice(1,deletes.length); txt.value = deletes.join('\n'); } function abdGetToken(page) { var out = document.getElementById('abd-output'); out.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' > Fetching delete token for [[' + page + ']]\n')); var url = wgScriptPath + '/api.php?action=query&prop=info&indexpageids=1&intoken=delete&format=json&titles=' + encodeURIComponent(page); var req = sajax_init_object(); req.open('GET', url, true); req.onreadystatechange = function() { if(req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) { eval("abdDelete(" + req.responseText + ",'" + req.responseText.replace(/\'/g,"`") + "','" + page + "')"); } } req.send(null); } function abdDelete(obj,txt,page) { var out = document.getElementById('abd-output'); if(obj['error']) { out.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ! Api error: ' + obj['error']['code'] + ' - ' + obj['error']['info'] + '\n')); return; } if(!obj['query'] || !obj['query']['pageids'] || !obj['query']['pages'][obj['query']['pageids'][0]] || !obj['query']['pages'][obj['query']['pageids'][0]]['deletetoken']) { out.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ? Unexpected response: ' + txt + '\n')); return; } var token = obj['query']['pages'][obj['query']['pageids'][0]]['deletetoken']; out.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' > Token found, attempting delete\n')); var reason = document.getElementById('abd-reason').value; var params = 'action=delete&format=json&token=' + encodeURIComponent(token) + '&title=' + encodeURIComponent(page) + '&reason=' + encodeURIComponent(reason); var url = wgScriptPath + '/api.php'; var req = sajax_init_object(); req.open('POST', url, true); req.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); req.setRequestHeader('Content-length', params.length); req.setRequestHeader('Connection', 'close'); req.onreadystatechange = function() { if(req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) { eval("abdDeleteAftermath(" + req.responseText + ",'" + req.responseText.replace(/\'/g,"`") + "')"); } } req.send(params); } function abdDeleteAftermath(obj,txt) { var out = document.getElementById('abd-output'); if(obj['error']) { out.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ! Api error: ' + obj['error']['code'] + ' - ' + obj['error']['info'] + '\n')); } else if(obj['delete'] && obj['delete']['title']) { out.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' > Page [[' + obj['delete']['title'] + ']] deleted\n')); } else { out.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ? Unexpected response: ' + txt + '\n')); return; } setTimeout('abdStart()',1000); } function queryString(p) { var re = RegExp('[&?]' + p + '=([^&]*)'); var matches; if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) { try { return decodeURI(matches[1]); } catch (e) { } } return null; }